Intensive Care Over Nations 'ICON' Audit: estudio apoyado por SEMICYUC

El proyecto de colaboración internacional, pretende obtener información vital sobre los tipos de pacientes ingresados en las UCIS de todo el mundo, lo que ayudará a entender y planificar los cuidados intensivos críticos  actualmente y en el futuro.


The ICON Audit will be taking place from May 8 to 18, 2012. This international collaborative project is going to provide us with vital information regarding the types of patients admitted to our ICUs around the globe, which will help us better understand and plan current and future critical care.

Data on epidemiology, organ function and support, lengths of ICU and hospital stays, and outcome will be collected from all adult patients admitted to an ICU (except admissions for routine postoperative surveillance for less than 24 hours) during the audit dates.

We need your input to make this project a success - the more centers that are involved, the more data we can collect and analyze.

So, why not get involved in your future - REGISTER now at