Dear Faculty Member,

Did you know that not only is our upcoming annual congress LIVES 2014 coming to Barcelona, but we are also offering a post-graduate training course specially-designed just for Nurses, Physiotherapists & Allied Healthcare Professionals?

HOTTEST TOPICS: UPDATE FOR AN EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE is a two-day course simultaneously translated from English to Spanish focused on the practical application of theory to practice using teaching sessions, interactive SIM and case studies.This specially-designed update will be held on September 27 - 28th at the CCIB in Barcelona and is the first such course to be offered since the popular one-day "Spanish Nursing Track" course was held at our last LIVES congress in Barcelona in 2010.

In addition, ESICM will also host a special Networking Cocktail on Monday September 29th at 18:10in Room Catalonia for members and potential members of the N&AHP. This event serves as the perfect venue for nurses and others to meet colleagues from across Europe and beyond!   

We kindly ask that you help us promote these unique activities at LIVES 2014 to nurses and other allied healthcare professionals in your hospital. You can POST our training flyer in your hospital and share this link to REGISTER ONLINE!


THANK YOU in advance for your help, and we look forward to seeing you in beautiful Barcelona!

With best regards,